About me
I’m a fourth year undergraduate student studying theoretical statistics and applied mathematics at the University of Toronto. I love what I study, apparently enough to want to pursue a PhD in statistics, which I'm currently applying for. When I'm not doing anything academia related (it gets exhausting at times...), I enjoy playing games with my friends, cooking, or working on a startup project with my good friend Arnav Nambiar. More information about my projects I've been working on, as well as my academic achievements and awards can be found on my CV page.
Over the past year, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to conduct research at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Professor Mike Kouritzin, for which I have received 2 NSERC USRA awards, in summer 2023 and summer 2024 respectively.
I moved from Edmonton to Calgary in 2018, then to Toronto for university in 2021.